The most number of people in a car.
Covered by the largest number of bees.
The largest pair of jeans.
The largest sushi mosaic.
Longest basketball spin while balancing on a toothbrush in his mouth.
The largest gathering of “twerkers.”
The biggest cup of cappuccino.
The biggest barbecue in the world.
The largest prenatal yoga class.
Run over by the most Jeeps.
The largest group of people having beauty treatment in the same location.
Wedding dress with the longest train.
The most beer mugs carried.
The largest gathering of chess games.
The largest freefall formation.
The largest gathering of people dressed as Mahatma Gandhi.
The largest “Thriller” event.
The largest swimsuit photo shoot.
The longest kiss.
The longest fingernails.
The largest swimwear parade.
The longest parade float.
The largest human peace sign.
The largest pillow fight.