“Not tell anyone.”
“Hire a tax, trust, and asset protection attorney.”
“Build a massive spire as high as legally allowed and live at the top”
“I’d quit my job”
“Move somewhere quiet and nice.”
“Buy a Delorean”
“Pay off my loans, then my parents mortgage, then get my cat a huge cat tree”
“Two chicks at the same time, man.”
“Bunch of hookers and cocaine.”
“Buy a few Senators… I’ve got some things to change around here.”
“Buy a bunch more lottery tickets because I’m on a roll.”
“Buy my mother a house.
That woman has been in my corner and lifted me up when I was at my worst. She birthed me and my two triplet siblings, and raised us brilliantly.”
“A vehicle purchase”
“Move out, buy my fiancé their gaming desktop, get a pool, and relax for the rest of our lives. We aren’t having kids, so once we go I’d donate what’s left.”
“Go back to college and finish my degree”
“Make a film. I have the script, I have the team, I have avenues of distribution, I just don’t have the funds.”
“Wake up”