Then: The scenery
Now: The scenery
Then: A group of nice young ladies on Hollywood Blvd.
Now: Some douche with an “IMDB ME” license plate on Hollywood Blvd.
Then: West Hollywood
Now: West Hollywood
Then: Two dudes pointing out over some of the Hollywood land
Now: Two dudes who look basically nothing like Edward and Jacob basically begging for tips on the Walk Of Fame
Then: Orange groves
Now: This guy
Then: People farming with some horses
Now: A guy in a trashcan
Then: Hollywood Boulevard and Wilcox Avenue
Now: A trashcan bonfire
Then: Wilcox Ave. from south of Hollywood Blvd.
Now: A dancing rat with pink highlights
Then: An orange grove near Western and Hollywood Boulevard
Now: Traffic that makes you want to die
Then: A pineapple planation
Now: Condomnation
Then: Pasture
Now: Some dude dressed as Scoobie, a dog, and a shopping cart
Then: Some woman selling melons near Sunset
Now: Someone selling LSD
Then: Some dude on a horse near Franklin Avenue
Now: Jesus
Then: A streetcar and a strawberry patch on Hollywood Blvd
Now: Someone looking for a wife
Then: Two guys going for a ride on Hollywood Blvd.
Now: Chewbacca with a skateboard and a friend on Hollywood Blvd.