These Puppies Were Cruelly Thrown Away


There’s no excuse for the cruelty so many people exhibit when abandoning a pet. Whether it’s on the side of the road, out in a field, or in a parking lot, it’s completely unacceptable when there are so many more humane options for those who feel they can’t (or simply don’t want to) take care of their animals. Two years ago, someone decided to not just abandon their 10 tiny puppies, but to do so by throwing them in a dumpster.

They were discovered in bad shape, just three weeks old, and tossed aside in boxes in Bozeman, MT. Once they were taken in by Tiny Tails K-9 Rescue, the pups were able to recover. Soon, all 10 found their way into loving forever homes.


The now-grown dogs still keep in touch with their brothers and sisters every year at a reunion birthday party held by the shelter.


They spend the day eating treats and playing games together.





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