A car riddled with bullet holes (1942).
For as long as there have been humans, there has been war, crime and strife. As humans, we are imperfect and sometimes our base nature takes over. It’s just hard to believe our ancestors or grandparents would be capable of such things.
What you see below are photos that were created from negatives stored at the City Records Center in downtown Los Angeles. These are records of crimes that are decades old (the archives date back to 1925). Merrick Morton, an LA-based photographer and LAPD reserve officer discovered the archive in 2001. His new exhibit displays some of the old crime scene photos… and they will give you chills.
Grisly murders aren’t a modern discovery. This one dates back to 1934.
A man who died a violent death (1950).
Police officers re-enact a crime (1963).
Tellers were handed this demand note (1961).
A detective discovers a victim in the brush (1942).
The victim of a shooting in the Wilshire district of LA (1950).
Bullet holes visible in a screen door (1930).
The victim of abuse shows her wounds (1950).
This man committed suicide (1950).
Another short demand note (1965).
The body of a man in the police morgue (1945).
The sad scene of a carbon monoxide poisoning (1950).
This chalk outline details the deceased and his position (1950).
A “kidnapping perpetrator” (1950).
Although film noir movies romanticize crime during these time periods, the photos in Morton’s gallery show that the crimes were always grisly tragedies. When people ask “What is the world coming to?” and reference modern crime, show them these pictures. Life has never been truly perfect.
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