The Unexpected Popularity of Desire Paths

Desire paths, those naturally created routes carved by foot traffic, are gaining attention for how they challenge traditional urban planning. These unintentional trails, formed by people seeking the shortest or most convenient routes, show how human nature subtly shapes the landscape.

“Abandoned railway through a forest that’s been walked for years.”

“Wrocław, Poland – The Desire To Be Further Away From The Road”

“It’s The Path This Cat & The Local Raccoons Take Across My Backyard”

“Strongest Desire Path I’ve Ever Seen”

“The Field Next To Where I Live In Edinburgh Is Filled Little Desire Paths”

“As It Turns Out, Cows Have Desire Paths, Too! The Black Dots On The Left Of The Picture Are The Cows. Taken From A Low Flying Aircraft”

“Flower Desire Path”

“Found A Desire Step At An Apartment Parking Lot”


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