Hey it was the 90’s we all looked like this.I myself remember wearing a silver metallic dress and dock martins and it was that latest style.The thing that’s going to drive a lot of guys nuts is with all of these photos he was considered extremely sexy and girls were always wanting to be all over him.
How are these embarrassing? Looking gay was really cool back in the 90’s. The last one where he break dances – please explain how it’s embarrassing.
Seriously, it’s like 2leep.com has ran out of ideas for cool ”articles” and now posts this crap up.
Hey it was the 90’s we all looked like this.I myself remember wearing a silver metallic dress and dock martins and it was that latest style.The thing that’s going to drive a lot of guys nuts is with all of these photos he was considered extremely sexy and girls were always wanting to be all over him.
How come no one ever noticed Lance Bass was gay?? Gosh! It’s so obvious!
@Sdfsd: Same thing I thought of – how looked gay ever since
I mean “he” looked gay ever since – sorry
Okay so almost everyone has their share of past stupid pics.
Plus fashion is always changing so something that was the ‘in-thing’ in yesteryear would be called crap now.
…I do not see anything embarrasing besides the title