I lived in Germany 1970 to 1974. We used to “dump pick” and I have a small cherry wood box with the initials JEC and numerous photos. I have always been interested in trying to find out who these people are. One photo on the back – NA pamietleg dla stryjostra od bromi rysia leria, ewum keysi (people’s names?) wozasy wagon.nad morzem. gdansk-gdynia 1958. I also have a letter dated 1933 in german (if I knew German I could read it)
postcard: Thomas Otto Okrifteler Str. 6097 Eddersheim B>R> Deutschland/
Many pictures/old postcards
How do I find these people or someone interested in these photos?
Some of those photos were taken iN POLAND during WW 2 when Poland whas occupied !
on 1 p. destroyed plane – picture taken on 1 Sept. first day of war,
those wiht mailbox, train station in Posen, bulding with street name Plac Wolności/Wilhelmsplatz,
2 p. kids in a train with a white eagle and many others
MARY SCOTT that’s not german —> “NA pamietleg dla stryjostra od bromi rysia leria, ewum keysi (people’s names?) wozasy wagon.nad morzem. gdansk-gdynia 1958.” it’s polish
I lived in Germany 1970 to 1974. We used to “dump pick” and I have a small cherry wood box with the initials JEC and numerous photos. I have always been interested in trying to find out who these people are. One photo on the back – NA pamietleg dla stryjostra od bromi rysia leria, ewum keysi (people’s names?) wozasy wagon.nad morzem. gdansk-gdynia 1958. I also have a letter dated 1933 in german (if I knew German I could read it)
postcard: Thomas Otto Okrifteler Str. 6097 Eddersheim B>R> Deutschland/
Many pictures/old postcards
How do I find these people or someone interested in these photos?
Some of those photos were taken iN POLAND during WW 2 when Poland whas occupied !
on 1 p. destroyed plane – picture taken on 1 Sept. first day of war,
those wiht mailbox, train station in Posen, bulding with street name Plac Wolności/Wilhelmsplatz,
2 p. kids in a train with a white eagle and many others
MARY SCOTT that’s not german —> “NA pamietleg dla stryjostra od bromi rysia leria, ewum keysi (people’s names?) wozasy wagon.nad morzem. gdansk-gdynia 1958.” it’s polish