If you or your kids are anything like me, you know that extra-special gift is hiding in the biggest box under the tree. As they say, bigger is always better. Except when your gifter knows “present logic” and goes out of their way to find the biggest, baddest box and gives it all the trimmings to house your tiny little gift card. So when you rip into the box, all your hopes and dreams are dashed.
Sure, it’s not exactly funny for you, but it’s hilarious for everyone else who gets to witness the unveiling. And since we all enjoy it so much, here are 15 people who took gift wrapping to the next level – the troll level:
Great expectations

The initial disappointment is SO worth it

“I got my dad a pair of skis for Christmas so to confuse and scare him a little bit, I wrapped it like this…”

It’s alive!

Parents trolling to the max

Plot twist: there’s nothing there

“This is how I chose to wrap my cousin’s Christmas present this year”

The best way to package up a box of nothing

“Bought my wife a tablet for Christmas. This is how I wrapped it”

If you say it out loud, it’s the same thing

“This is how I wrapped my brother’s iTunes gift card”


“My co-worker’s clever iPad wrapping… His wife will be severely trolled”

She’ll never guess what’s in there

And my personal favorite: the only way to wrap an iPhone