Brain Neurons
While it resembles something bees might create, this is actually a very detailed image of what brain neurons look like.
An up-close view of your taste buds reminds you of the importance of cleaning, as bacteria can easily reside between them.
While the appear smooth to the naked eye, fingernails are rough and full of ridges and nodules.
Mascara isn’t the only thing to get stuck here. This is a picture of microscopic mites.
An enhanced view of of a tooth shows why regular brushing is a must.
Scabbing Blood
When red blood cells begin to form a scab, they make a substance that looks similar to a spider web.
Burnt Skin Cells
A better view at what a sun burn really looks like.
Small Intestine
Up-close, the small intestine looks like a pile of used chewing gum.
A better look at what split ends look like.
Red Blood Cells
Blood Platelets
Platelets job is to clump together and clog blood vessel injuries.
Breast Cancer Cell
This is actually showing sweat molecules as they are coming through the skin.
Human Embryo
A 6-day-old embryo getting ready to implant into the uterus.
Tongue Plaque