You know exactly how this feels guys! You see an angel walking by and just have to take another look, then another, and soon enough it is a full on stare. You try to play it cool, you think you are the sneakiest guy around. “She’ll never know I’m checking her out” you say to yourself. “I’m a ninja” you whisper quietly under your breath. Sure enough everything is going fine until…
BOOM, You’re caught! She turns around and you lock eyes for just that 1 moment before quickly whipping your head around or pretending to stare at something far off in the distance, anything else but her hoping that maybe she will be fooled. Of course you are dead wrong and now have to deal with that sinking feeling in your stomach knowing that you are “that creepy guy.”
Well, we have the perfect cure for you. Feel better immediately by laughing at others getting caught instead of you! Muahaha!
Let us know your sneaky stories in the comments below… and of course, enjoy