Disney World Is Awesome… But It’s The Janitors There That Really Blow Me Away. WOW.


The janitors there aren’t just janitors.

At Disney World, even the janitors are magical. As a janitor (a.k.a., a custodial guest) at Disney World, this girl gets to help keep the happiest place on earth nice and tidy. She sweeps the streets… but she can do much more than just that. She and the other members of her custodial guest team can do quite a special trick for the other guests at the park.
Just give them a mop and bucket, and you’ll see.3

They can “paint” Disney characters using just a bucket of water and a broom or mop.


Each of them can draw about 15-20 characters.


“Sometimes for fun, we would go up against each other in “drawing battles” and let the audience decide who wins.”


Practice makes perfect! “I once visited Disneyland, and saw the local custodians doing water art and I asked if I could try. They didn’t know I was from Disney World…”


After dark, she would practice different characters.


Like Simba here!


Stitch was a frequently requested character.


As were all of the Disney classics, like Donald Duck.


Lady, her favorite character, wasn’t too popular with the younger generation.


Many janitors had their own “signature characters” that other custodians wouldn’t draw, like Mike from Monsters Inc.


Or Carl from Up.


Even though many of the employees at Disney World were seasonal or temporary, they enjoyed embracing their roles there and learning as many characters to draw as they could. Hundreds of people would gather to watch them create water art… it’s an amazing part of the job!

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