
The Hórreo

These structures are known as Hórreos and can be found all throughout northeastern Spain. They are often centuries and are built this way for a specific reason.

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Before I Die

“Before I Die” is the project by Candy Chang who is a public installation artist, urban planner, designer, and the cofounder of the civic center that makes rundown places more comfortable for the people who see them.

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AutoWed Wedding Vending Machine

Wedding in Vegas is not fast quick for you? Then use the AutoWed wedding vending machine. Just enter your names, put in some cash and you will get marriage certificates and a 10% discount for your next divorce.

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Amazing Paintings

These are some amazingly realistic paintings by artist Joe Simpson. They are so lifelike that you’ll have to look twice to make sure they aren’t real people. Have a look and see if they don’t look like real people to …

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