In Albuquerque, New Mexico the mayor is helping homeless people find work. Two days a week a van drives around offers homeless people the chance to work for $9 an hour for five hours and anyone who accepts the offer is also given lunch.
In Albuquerque, New Mexico they mayor has instituted a program called, “There’s a Better Way” where two days a week a van drives around the city and offers jobs to the homeless. When someone accepts the offer, they are provided with lunch and given $9/hour for five and a half hours of work, which involves things like weeding the streets, picking up trash, and basic landscaping work.
With about 75% homeless people accepting the offer to work, the city is looking at expanding the program to five days a week.
When the work day is over, individuals are dropped off at a local hospitality center where they have options for food, shelter, and a variety of other services. It’s clear to see that the city of Albuquerque has acknowledged a problem and found a forward thinking way of solving it. It’s only a matter of time before other cities follow in Albuquerque’s footsteps, and that may not be a bad thing at all.