23 Tourists Who Took Annoying to a Whole New Level

Brace yourself for these 23 moments when tourists took annoying behavior to a whole new level, turning travel destinations into scenes of pure frustration.

“Some Trashy Tourists Painted Theories On The Pantheon In Rome”

“Tourist Stands In Front Of “You May Be Bitten” Sign. She Makes Sure The Sign Was Worth Putting Up”

“Tourists Have Started Putting “Love Locks” On Shoes On The Danube Bank, A Memorial In Budapest Of The Thousands Of People Who Were Executed On The Banks Of The Danube During WW2″

“A Group Of Tourists In Yellowstone Were Spotted Exiting Their Cars And Sprinting Towards A Mama Bear And Her Two Cubs. One Of The Tourists Had A Child In His Arms”

“Tourist Engraves The Name Of His Girlfriend With Keys On The Colosseum In Rome. He Is Facing A 18.000 € Fine”

“Tourist Gets Headb**ted And Thrown To The Floor After Standing Next To A King’s Guard Horseman. Tourists Are Warned Not To Get Close To The Horses Or Guards With A Nearby Sign”

“Graffiti On The Bamboo In The “Bamboo Walking Path””

“Such bamboo has to be cut and disposed of, and the bamboo is decreasing steadily. At this rate, we will lose the beautiful bamboo forests that people come to see from all over the world.”

“Tourists Ignore Distancing Sign Of Beached Turtles In Hawaii”

“Yellowstone Tourist Files Complaint Over Lack Of Trained Grizzly Bears”

“Every Year Many Tourists Break Off And Steal Pieces Of The Coliseum In Rome”

“Tourist In Estes Park Gets Too Close To A Bull Elk During Rutting Season”

“33°C (90°F) Today In Venice. 3 Pairs Of Sweaty Feet On The Seats. The Little Girl Was Walking Barefoot Even Before Getting On The Train, Her Feet Were Extremely Dirty”

“When Tourists Come And Pose With The Endangered Wildlife. It’s Against The Law To Disturb A Sea Turtle And To Pass It Around For A Picture Is Ridiculous”

“Naples, Vanderbilt Beach. You Can Always Tell When The Folks From Miami-Dade Come Here For Holiday Weekends Because They Leave Their Trash All Over Our Beaches”

“Tourist In Yellowstone National Park Ignores Warnings From Several People That She Was Too Close To A Mother Grizzly Bear”

“Man Attempts To Enter Hogwarts In London”

“Today We Took These Photos Of A Coral Destroyed By Careless Divers”

“Dumb Tourists Walking Right Up To These Sheep”

“For anyone who might not know, if you get too close, the males might charge you, which would hurt. Also, they were ruining the view.”

“American Tourist Complains That Restaurant In Tokyo Gave Her The Menu Item She Ordered. Doubles Down By Blaming The Restaurant For Not Having Enough Menus In English”


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