20 Hilariously Unbelievable Photos of So-Called Giants

Take a look at 20 mind-boggling photos where giants might just be the most incredible illusion ever.

These 10-foot-tall giants in Brazil were quickly shown to be puppets.

This figure moving through Mexico was said to be a giant. Does it look giant to you? Mexico is a hot spot for “giant” sightings.

The same was thought for this blob on top of a dirt mound in Mexico.

This shape on a mountain was shared by TikToker Andrew Dawson, who allegedly went missing after documenting giants and other paranormal activity in Canada.

This humanoid figure in a Mexican cave was said to be giant, but seems indistinguishable from a larger human male.

Two photos claim to show “the last of the giants” in Great Britain, alleging that giants were common there until the mid-1800s when they were phased out by the Industrial Revolution.

However, the photos were AI generated.

Alleged footage from a giant in Japan in the year 1890 looks convincing.

However, it is actually from a trailer for the 2007 movie “Big Man Japan.”

Many “giant” photos just show regular humans with giantism, a medical condition.

Camera effect makes this woman appear larger than she is.

Other photos shared by giant enthusiasts claiming to show “proof.”

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