23 Weirdly Illegal Things You Won’t Believe

A fascinating collection of unexpected items and actions that are against the law. These strange bans highlight some of the most unusual and quirky legal restrictions from around the world.

“Blasphemy and swearing are illegal in Michigan.”

“Oral s-x is illegal in Maryland — giving and receiving. A person found in violation is guilty of a misdemeanor, but the state is not known to enforce the law.”

“Is illegal to put coins in your ear in Hawaii because it’s a a sign of selling illegal drugs.”

“Under German wine law, it is completely illegal to ferment a mechanically-frozen grape.”

“In France, it is illegal for restaurants to offer unlimited free re-fills of sugary drinks.”

“It is illegal in parts of Oregon and New Jersey to pump your own gas.”

“In New Jersey, it is illegal for criminals to wear a bulletproof vest while committing a crime.”

“In New Jersey, it is illegal for criminals to wear a bulletproof vest while committing a crime.”

“TIL Nunchaku (nunchuks) are illegal in Massachusetts.”

“In most of the USA it is illegal to buy a car directly from the manufacturer. You have to go through a car dealership where they charge even more money.”

“All ‘warranty void if removed’ stickers are illegal in the US since 1975.

“It’s illegal to write a check for less than $1 (18 U.S. Code § 336 – Issuance of circulating obligations of less than $1).”

“TIL it is illegal in China to be reincarnated without government approval.”

“In the United States, it is illegal to remove or destroy a nest that has eggs in it or young birds still dependent on it for survival. It is also illegal for anyone to keep a nest they take out of a tree or find on the ground unless they have a permit.”

“The dab was made illegal in Saudi Arabia.”

“In Louisiana, it is illegal to send a surprise pizza delivery to someone’s house without their permission Otherwise, you could face a fine of up to $500 or even jail time.”

“British eggs are illegal in the US for being ‘unwashed’ and American eggs are illegal in the UK for being ‘washed.’”

“Planned obsolescence is illegal in France; it is a crime to intentionally shorten the lifespan of a product with the aim of making customers replace it. In early 2018, French authorities used this law to investigate reports that Apple deliberately slowed

“Owning ‘The Guy Game’ is considered illegal, due to one of the actors being underage and having explicit scenes.”

“Idaho is the only U.S. state to declare cannibalism illegal. Idaho adopted the ban in 1990 as a reaction to a fear that eating humans would emerge in ritualized practices.”

Wearing camouflage as a civilian is illegal in several countries including Jamaica, Oman and Barbados

“It is illegal to be drunk in a Pub in the UK.”

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