Sometimes, achieving glamour comes at a cost – and that cost can be discomfort. Even celebrities aren’t exempt from the agony of shoes that are too tight, too high, or simply the wrong fit. While it can ruin one’s day, we still commend them for their poise and professionalism as they soldier on with a smile, masking their discomfort for the sake of their appearance.
1. Katy Perry’s toes seemed to be out of their “comfort zone.”
2. Amy Adams’ sandals were very elegant but not so comfortable looking.
Another time Adams reminded us that there is a price to pay to look stylish.
3. Katie Holmes’ sandals looked a little too small for her feet.
4. Anne Hathaway’s towering pink shoes are a walking fashion statement.
5. Chrissy Teigen’s toes didn’t have enough room.
6. Jessica Simpson’s sandals looked one size too small.
7. Jennifer Lopez’s sparkly stilettos looked a little too narrow.
8. Jennifer Aniston’s elegant sandals seemed to be applying a little too much pressure on her feet.
9. Britney Spears’ toes also seemed to be under some pressure.
10. Lady Gaga’s sky-high stilettos certainly didn’t leave anyone indifferent.
11. Kate Beckinsale’s feet seemed to be bigger than her cute sandals.
12. On the other hand, Cobie Smulders seemed as if she needed a smaller shoe size but still looked stunning anyway.