How To Write A Good Essay In 7 Steps?

The purpose of this article is to give answers to the question: how to write an essay? How to write an essay? What is an essay? Resolve the basic doubts about this genre, which you learn in the Polish language.


As you can see, the essay is not the easiest genre to practice, if you don’t feel up to it try writing a dissertation, and if you think you can handle it read on. Before you read on, make sure you have read the two articles in this section:

  • How to achieve consistency in an essay?
  • How to cite in an essay?

Consider the issues raised therein as relevant to all written work, and extremely important to your ability to write a good essay. Therefore, make sure you already have this knowledge.


In the literary tradition, you will find many types of essays with different compositions, dealing with different topics. Four types of essays can be distinguished:

  • philosophical essay
  • scientific essay
  • journalistic essay
  • critical essay – devoted to the art

If you look through the pages of literary history, you will also come across many works that are essayistic in character but are not classified as essays. Many novels can have a narrative shaped in this way. The presence of fiction and excessive size are the main reasons why they are not counted as essays. Despite its understatement, the genre has several important characteristics:



Let us start with the key question and the essence of the essay. It is not a literary genre, nor is it journalistic or utilitarian. Due to its vague location, the essay is characterized by a literary shaping of language in which the poetic (aesthetic) function, which is to be understood as the artistic, artful shaping of expression, plays an important role.


The best answers to such questions refer to the name. According to the usa essay writing service, essayers, it is an attempt, an attempt to get to the bottom of things, to get to the truth. An essay is, therefore, a process of getting to a point and thus remains infinite, and open-ended, just like the discussion in which it takes part. It does not have to end with a summary or a conclusion. However, it is worth making an effort and getting some sort of interesting punchline at this point.


This is not, however, a statement representing a society, a group of people, but one person – the author. And this is what constitutes the strength of this genre. The essayist is not obliged to be objective; on the contrary, he or she is expected to take an individual approach to the subject of the statement, thus unparalleled by others. This does not mean, however, that the essay is shallow. Its richness comes not from an objective presentation of things, but from the variety of perspectives and associations adopted, above all from the exploration of this essayistic self.


Absolutely free, but by no means chaotic! It can be loose, it can be fragmented, but it must not be chaotic. On the contrary, it should be a real masterpiece showing the author’s mastery.

Permits the use of associations of thoughts, images, quotations, paradoxes, aphorisms, digressions, exemplifications, flashbacks, and any other stylistic devices bringing the essay closer to poetic prose. Remember, however, that the essay does not introduce literary fiction.
Here are steps, which is important to follow if you want to get a quality paper for your college.


Read the topic carefully, explain all terms (list synonyms), interpret it in all possible ways, and make all possible theses.


Write down all the questions that come to your mind in relation to this topic. In doing so, be open-minded and allow for several possibilities, answers, and solutions. For each option, you allow, reserve a column in a table, a space on a page, or a page where you will take notes in a moment.

Then write in any order, all the authors, all the books (paintings, musical works), the characters and quotations from them that you could use in each of the options you have previously allowed, philosophical thought, literary and artistic trends you associate with the given possibility, historical, biographical context,

Also, think of a possible motto for your work by writing out any examples that come to mind.


In the first step, discard the worn-out, uninteresting examples from this multitude, so that the most valuable, interesting, and relevant ones remain.

Then try to see the connections between the various texts, examples, and characters you have written out. Mark them with arrows connecting the related elements and briefly describe the nature of the perceived analogy between them. This may result in one concentric map or a polycentric one, or even several mental maps). Look for the stars. Those texts, contexts, and examples that link to the greatest number of others are great for organizing larger wholes in the work (e.g. chapters). Others will refer to them.

Consider whether the several perspectives you have adopted can’t be combined so that it all forms an extended unified whole. If one of them does not fit into the emerging concept of the work and is poorer than the others if it seems superfluous to you – discard it.


It is time to deepen your knowledge of each cultural text cited earlier. Recall its content, read the various reviews and juxtapose them with your own views: which do you agree with and which do you disagree with? Perhaps, it is worth using these positions? Complete the map with new cards (one for each cultural text) containing new information to expand your knowledge of them.

Have any new useful associations, thoughts, or reflections write them down.

Talk to knowledgeable people about the topics you are interested in, and listen to what they have to say, if interesting information emerged in the conversation include it in your notes, if they challenge a view you cannot defend – dismiss it.

Read what has already been written about the issue, and what positions have been taken. Comment on them. Ask yourself, what is your position, and how does it compare with tradition? Include all new, useful information in your mind map.


Collect all thoughts into relatively independent meaningful wholes (work on each one separately), edit them linguistically, compose properly structured paragraphs, and give them titles and subheadings. Also, consider the use of keywords or leitmotivs to enhance the coherence of the work.

Read each section again, verifying its linguistic correctness in composition and title. Think again about the order of the paragraphs. Use the mental map you made at the beginning to do this. Also, note whether the titles and subheadings form a sensible and logical whole. Next, rewrite the paragraphs in the correct order, ensuring that the work is consistent and not forgetting the subheadings.

Finally, choose a neat motto that reflects the content of the essay, indicates the perspective adopted, etc.


Write an introduction to the essay. Don’t even think of a characterization of the era or a biography of the writer. A much better solution is to pose questions.

You can start with:

  • the middle, i.e. a description of a key character, plot, or problem that you will make the structural axis of the whole piece;
  • any association, the rest will write itself
  • a reference to someone else’s thought with which you agree or disagree

The introduction should introduce the topic, encourage you to read it, and outline in general how the subject of the essay will be approached.


Read through the work and correct any perceived shortcomings on the fly. Set the work aside for a few days. Critically re-read it, highlighting any doubts, there should be many. Do a final proofreading to make sure the structure is well thought out, then proceed to deconstruct the text, i.e. create a reconstruction plan.

In the end, to sum it up we can highlight seven the most important rules to follow for writing a high-quality essay paper:use a wealth of stylistic tropes and rhetorical figures

  • be original (associations, choice of material, topic)
  • be concise and clear in your thinking
  • think carefully about the structure of your essay
  • do not use enumerations
  • avoid autothematic phrases (e.g. in the introduction, in the conclusion, now I will go to…, then I will discuss…)
  • take advantage of the fact that in an essay practically all tricks are allowed

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