40 Moments When Bad Days Hit Hard

Enjoy this collection of entertaining snapshots that remind us all that sometimes, you just have to laugh at the chaos and roll with the punches.

“I’m going on an international flight in 2 days…”

“Amazon van hit my parked car while I was asleep today”

“Someone busted my window out and robbed me. I’m homeless and rely on this car.”

“Sat in a friend’s filthy car and walked around all day like this”

“This is why we wash our rice”

“Went to visit my sister. When she tried to move her (white) truck, the brakes went out and it rolled in to mine”

“My pootalian had a little too much fun outside.”

“That’s my IPad down there”

“Locked out of my Airbnb rental for hours in the summer heat”

“We bought the car two weeks ago.”

“Right when my morning was starting to get better”

“Someone forgot their cake for school in the train…”

“Had a cousin take a pic of me and the wife in front of the Full House house.”

“Moved into my own place, finally after months of searching, not even a week in I come home to this…”

“Found these mangled $100s in the trap of my dryer filter”

“A moth got into the car, and my wife wanted me to deal with it. Boy, did I ever….”

“Neighbor lost power, too much junk in their driveway, line crew gave me a lawn job”

“I was trying to cut a thistle plant down. It grabbed a hold of my bun and wouldn’t let go. Had to go to a salon like this and have them picked out for 3 hours.”

“My sister’s driveway in Vermont after Beryl. They’re in a mountain and that was the only way down.”

“Furnace fell on car and nearly killed me, and damaged the customer’s car”

“I was supposed to go on a 9 and a half-hour long road trip today.”

“What happens when someone puts a low melting point clay in a high temperature firing.”

“Came early to this… Found out my flight was cancelled.”

“Cabinet decided to take a vacation”

“The ants I ate before noticing them are just extra protein, right? RIGHT?!?”

“Just got home from vacation to find my ceiling caved in”

“So much for having a smoothie for breakfast”

“New puppy climbed trash can to knock down fire extinguisher.. Good morning. It. Is. Everywhere.”

“Charger burst into flame on my bf’s lap while driving.”

“It’s hot enough in Massachusetts right now to melt the suction cup on my phone mount”

“The wall was just fixed..”

“Our new dog destroyed our custom wood blinds”

“I was missing the case of my earbuds after mowing the lawn. Well, I guess I found it.”

“I’ll just order food online”

“Dropped my skillet glass lid”

“Broke my monitor.”

“Blown vein last week, hit and run this week, looking forward to next week”

“My window seat”

Source: www.reddit.com

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