40 Mind-Blowing Photos of Rare Coincidences You Won’t Believe

These 40 incredible photos capture moments of rare coincidences that are so perfectly timed, they almost seem unreal.

“In Palermo (Italy), A Citizen Went To The Police Station To Return A Credit Card Found On The Street. Within Minutes The Policemen Were Able To Trace The Identity Of The Card Holder: Harrison Ford”

“Kummakivi Is A 500 000 Kg Rock In Finland That Has Been Balancing On Top Of Another Rock For 11 000 Years”

“Photographer Prasenjeet Yadav Gets One In A Lifetime Shot Of Meteor By Accident”

“Actor Sean Astin Photo Bombing Me In ‘93 At D.c. Inaugural Ball And Again 26 Yrs Later At Disneyland”

“Our Family Photo Taken With A Disposable Camera On July 4th, 2001 In Bishop, CA. We’ll Never Get A Better Christmas Card”

“Dragonfly Ate A Mosquito That Was About To Bite”

“Looks Like He Is Breathing Fire On A Sunset”

“Lightning Struck A Vent And Traveled Up Into A Toilet During A Thunderstorm”

“3 Generation Of Twins”

“Glasses Falling While Mountain Climbing, Getting Clicked At The Exact Moment”

“Snorkeller Finds Lost Wedding Ring Wrapped Around A Mullet Fish Off Of Norfolk Island”

“Eagles On The Seattle Waterfront”

“Dude Meets Keanu Reeves 3 Years Apart, But Keanu Wears The Same Shirt”

“How This Pilot’s Plane Took A Hit”

“Perfectly Placed Web”

“Was Eating Orange Slices Until I Found Half Yellow And Half Orange Ones. Very Cool”

“This Sign Post Was Launched Into The Side Of My Apartment After A Drunk Driving Accident On My Street”

“This Is William West And William West And They Are The Reason Fingerprints Were Created To Find Criminals Because They Were Not Related At All, Shared The Same Exact Name And Looked Identical To One Another”

“What A Day To Be Drafted Into WWI”

“My Egg Perfectly Inverted Itself”

“I Captured This Shot Of A Sandhill Crane At The Exat Moment It Was Perpendicular To Me, So You Can See Straight Through Its Nostrils”

“Thought I Was Out Of Tums”

“I’ll Never Kick A Ball Higher In My Life”

“Conjoined Eggs”

“Someone Parked Underground With Their Sunroof Open And A Pipe Burst Above Them”

“In 1943, Ball Turret Gunner Alan Magee’s B-17 Bomber Was Hit By Flak And Began To Spin Out Of Control. He Fell Over Four Miles Without A Parachute Before Crashing Through The Glass Roof Of A Railroad Station. He Survived The Fall And Lived To Age 84”

“Stray Bullet Hit My Door Handle”

“A Customer Managed To Grab This Plush In Our Claw Machine Today, And This Is What Happened When It Went To Drop Down The Shoot”

“Getting A Speeding Ticket On Your Towed Car”

“Was Swiping At The Dispensary When I Looked Up And Saw The Girl I Was About To Swipe On”

“Don’t Ask How, I Don’t Know”

“Both Philly Teams Are Tied Up With With Houston Teams, As They Play At The Same Time”

Source: www.reddit.com

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