40 Fascinating Pics For Your Casual Enjoyment

A collection that features fascinating and unique photos sure to pique your interest.

“My left eyebrow is suddenly turning white”

“I’m the only one on this flight”

“My shipping pallet had previously been used as a sign at a wedding in 2018”

“My cold brew was served to me in a plastic bag.”

“When idling, my car displays gallons per hour instead of miles per gallon.”

“My exhaust tips came with a lollipop with its own dedicated slot in the packaging”

“All the vinegar have different amount of fluids in them. Not opened or signs of leaking.”

“Crack in the pavement extends into the yard”

“This map in a KFC in the UK has no trace of Florida”

“Plane was ALL business class”

“There’s a real lemon slice inside the can of this new Japanese drink”

“My Pyrex dishes from the same set, all the same size made in USA are different “colors” of glass”

“My hotel uses a punch card room key”

“Wear on my mouse after 10 years of daily use”

“My new house came with 8 different keys needed to unlock every extrerior lock.”

“Before and after my pyrolytic cleaning oven”

“All of the fake IDs collected at a music festival”

“It looks like it’s only raining over one house.”

“My car radio is saying “hewwo :3””

“The patterns created by firing a machine gun near loose dirt”

“My old Movie Pass card still hasn’t expired.”

“The Dr Pepper Museum in Waco, TX does not allow any Coke or Pepsi products on the premises”

“Pringle shaped seats at a bus stop in Lima”

“A pan I bought actually came with a screwdriver to screw the handle on”

“One of my dad’s golfishes turned completely white”

“There is a bird nest with 4 newborn babies. Right above my door”

“I was doing crossbow target practice and I shot an arrow through my other arrow!”

“The placement of the Q on our garage door opener.”

“A strip of the bush is suddlenly turning white”

“My dusty PSU I couldn’t clean for years because of breaking warranty sticker”

“I have harlequin syndrome, and only half of my face turns red after running.”

“Abandoned luxury cruise ship I saw on the train”

“A huge parrot just landed on my balcony, someone’s pet perhaps”

“This locked up Volvo”

“My smoothie unintentionally turned out to be the same color as my mug.”

“Keyboard on a machine uses comic sans font”

“My mock battery that I frequently use oxidises faster than my replacement one”

“The same tea ball: 15 years of use vs brand new replacement.”

Source: www.reddit.com

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