39 Nightmare-Inducing Photos You Won’t Be Able to Unsee

If you’re brave enough, dive into these 39 creepy and chilling images that are guaranteed to haunt your dreams and leave you feeling a little uneasy.

“This shower”:

“Found an old photo I caught of my dog”:

“When I was little, I’d tell my parents about my twin brother. I found my kindergarten notebook today. I was an only child.”:

“The way my face is reflected in this picture of my espresso”:

“This statue is just clothes with no one wearing them”:

“Went for a walk and saw a lone pot of pasta in the snow”:

“This mural at a government building”:

“Ordered a guitar chart poster and this is what showed up in the mail”:

“‘Charlie Manson’ is written on the back of the old motorcycle license plate I just bought”:

“‘Charlie Manson’ is written on the back of the old motorcycle license plate I just bought”:

“This was at the gas station. Waiting.”:

“Seemingly real man despite scam message. This photo is weird and terrifying”:

“How my sister dries her hair extensions”:

“Odd carrot”:

“Come to the meat department”:

“Bought my first home a couple of weeks ago. Never checked out the attic until the other night. This was the only thing in it”:

“His name is Frank, he is over 100 years old. Every time we light the candles, something bad happens to someone we don’t like, I’m not entirely unconvinced he’s some sort of fairy”:

“There are teeth appearing in my laundry”:

“This statue in Sibiu, Romania”:

“Wonder what happened to the eyes of this doll I saw in a second-hand shop — probably demonic possession is what happened”:

“This chair in the park looks weird”:

“This photo of Jollibee I took in 2018”:

“These mannequins”:

“Coworker sent a weird map”:

“Lone statue in Winchester Cathedral crypt”:

“This public parking lot does not feel welcoming”:

“When I lived in Africa this is what their baby dolls looked like”:

“What my 9 year old nephew drew on my phone”:

“My car doesn’t lock, and every day someone opens the door and sticks those letters (every day one letter) and this cross. I have coins in there, but they don’t steal anything”:

“Weird growth on my avocado seed”:

Credits:  www.buzzfeed.com

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