34 Feel-Good Moments That Will Restore Your Faith in Humanity

These 34 wholesome moments prove that kindness, love, and pure joy still exist in the world, guaranteed to bring a smile to your face.

“Let me talk about this picture for a second and tell you how much it means to me! When I was 5 years old I made this paper tie for my dad for Father’s Day. I worked so hard on it and was so proud. He told me that he would wear it on my wedding day and I giggled and went on with my day. He hung it on his mirror in his room where it collected dust over the years and he would dust it off and again tell me “I will wear this at your wedding”. I was a teenager at this point and rolled my eyes and would say “okay dad!” Fast forward to when my parents moved in to their new home. I no longer saw the tie hanging up on the mirror. I asked my dad what happened and he said it got lost in the move. I didn’t think anything of it until I got engaged. I jokingly said “well I guess you don’t get to wear that tie!” 2 years later it is my wedding night and as my father and I go to have our father daughter dance he pulls this bad boy out and we dance. He had hid it away to make me THINK it got lost in the move. I will cherish this moment for the rest of my life  love you dad!”

“I didn’t even know she was struggling that day until I saw this picture. My youngest daughter was recently diagnosed with Autism. She functions fairly normal most days, but then there are others…Yesterday the Wheatland Fire Authority paid a visit to the Wheatland Preschool at Wheatland Elementary and I wasn’t sure how she would do, but I dropped her off as normal with hopes of it being fine. There were new people in her regular environment asking kids to try this and do this which would be AWESOME to most kids – but for her it can be overwhelming. This sweet man let her cuddle and relax right there on his lap for who knows how long because he could just tell she was having a hard time. I was able to get this firefighters, info and message him. Come to find out he has an autistic family member, so he was able to relate and help calm her a bit. As a parent, this kind of diagnosis can leave you wondering how each day is going to be. If someone is going to show her compassion, or judgement. And yesterday, it was compassion.”

Credits: www.boredpanda.com

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