32 Times People Were Completely Lost in the Moment

Get ready to laugh out loud with this collection of 32 people caught in the act of hilarious cluelessness, where their total confusion makes for unforgettable moments.

This (possibly very stoned) employee didn’t get it when a customer asked them to cut a bagel in half:

This person didn’t get that the basket return at Walmart wasn’t his personal basket trolley:

And this contractor didn’t get, well, basically ANYTHING when it came to installing a counter over a sink:

This kindergartener didn’t get why his favorite show wasn’t popping up:

This person didn’t get their pet wasn’t allowed indoors — despite there being a sign forbidding their EXACT dog:

And this historical marker maker didn’t get it could have benefited from some better spacing:

Whoever sent (or programmed) this response didn’t get it wasn’t helpful in the slightest:

Tito’s owners didn’t get that this unfortunate typo wasn’t going to help the situation:

And this kid really didn’t get how deodorant was supposed to be used:

This architect didn’t get — at any point — what the development’s layout ACTUALLY looked like:

This slightly drunk wife didn’t get how to cut a tray of brownies like a normal human being:

And this guy did NOT get this wasn’t going to fit:

This ice cream truck driver didn’t get they really should’ve bought a different brand of generator:

This driver didn’t get that “NCST MOM” wouldn’t be read as “NICEST MOM,” but something else:

And this parent didn’t get that leaving the butt paste next to the toothpaste would lead to a terrible, terrible mistake:

This CAPTCHA maker didn’t get that this was not quite the best photo to use:

This company didn’t get that this was not the best font to use:

And this wannabe chef didn’t get that they’d gone overboard with the parchment paper:

This hotel didn’t get that it wasn’t ideal to call this traveler a “distressed virgin” (after their Virgin Atlantic flight was rerouted so the airline put them up in a hotel):

This cafe owner didn’t get that the cafe’s name might give people the wrong idea:

And neither did this bar owner:

This person didn’t get that Shrek might not be the best character to use for a safe sex pamphlet:

This teacher didn’t get that her students’ groundhogs — yes, they’re supposed be groundhogs! — looked like something else:

This resident didn’t get that this door knocker might not be appropriate for this apartment complex:

This pregnant wife didn’t get that her baby bump made hiding to scare her husband impossible:

And this bus designer didn’t get that these poles looked a little pornographic:

This deli worker didn’t get just how awkward this typo was:

This person didn’t get (until it was too late) that this wasn’t ranch:

And this teacher didn’t get that the abbreviation for proton or neutron reads…porn:

This person didn’t get that it was a bad idea to hire a cheap hairstylist off Craigslist:

This guy named Curt didn’t get that this was the wrong font to get embroidered on his jacket:

And lastly, this kitten didn’t get that squeezing into this vending machine was a big, big, big mistake:

Source: www.buzzfeed.com

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