These 30 legendary products have earned their reputation for being totally worth the money—smart, useful, and guaranteed to make life better.
Breville Toaster Oven
I have had this oven for five years and use it everyday, it’s fantastic. Toast, cakes, creme brulee, whole roast chicken, everything. It pretty much put my regular oven out of commission.
Blue Ikea Bags
I’ve bought 4-5 for various hauls over the past 7 years, and they’ve proven to be indestructible and indispensable. They’re my goto bag for beach trips, laundry runs, even apartment moving. I’ve even used them as portable coolers for icing drinks. Ugly as sin, but they get the job done.
Fjallraven – Kanken Classic Backpack
It’s definitely buy it for life, no doubt (I have many friends that have used their parents’ kånken as their school backpack their entire education) it’s good looking and practical for students.
Dickies Double Knee Work Pants
Been wearing the same Dickies work pants for 5+ years now. I have 4 khaki, 1 brown and 3 black. No holes and no fraying yet.
Saddleback Leather Wallet
I’ve had the same since June 2011. Been extremely happy with it. Much more minimalistic. I mostly jam things into it because it doesn’t hold much. I carry a max of 6 cards and have taken to carrying $100 bills because carrying a fair amount of cash is nearly impossible with the wallet. I would buy it again and have given two away as gifts.
Honda Lawn Mowers
Quieter and smoother running and will run forever if you maintain it. Use ethanol free gas, clean the filter, and change the oil.
The North Face Resolve Rain Jacket
I’ve got a North Face light weight rain jacket. Had it for close to 10 years and it still looks and performs like new
Insinkerator Garabe Disposal
An insinkerator, installed correctly, will last as long as the house. Make sure it drains dry when done.
Sillpat Baking Sheets
Silpats are indestructible. Truly amazing. Nothing sticks to them. They are made of fiberglass and silcone.
Ka-Bar US Marine Corps Fighting Knife
You’re not going to break a Ka-Bar. Beat the shit out of it, and don’t be surprised when you still have it 30 years from now. I use mine to dig, open cans, chop brush, pry things open, and so on – what it was designed to do from day one. It’s in great shape.
Felco Pruner
Pretty much the industry standard in the horticultural world. Design is nice, they re-sharpen well, and replacement parts are plentiful. Probably the most impressive thing about Felco is that over many decades of growth worldwide they have never given in to cutting corners. The quality is just the same today as in the past seven decades.
Wusthof Classic Chef Knife
I bought over a decade ago. Looks brand new. Hone it weekly and professionally sharpened annually. I use it every day.
TOAKS Titanium Camping Pot
This thing is built like a tank and aside from losing it, you will neer need to replace it.
Carhartt Active Jacket
I wear this jacket to work every day in the winter. I’m a mechanic. I’ve had it like 7 years. Tough as nails.