27 Historic Photos of Tech Titans Before They Took Over

Check out 27 old-school pics of tech moguls in their early days, long before they revolutionized the world.

“A young Bill Gates with Steve Jobs, 1985.”

“Bill Gates riding his groovy bike in the ’70s…little did his parents know at the time, he would become the world’s richest man.”

“Steve Jobs during an introduction to the public of his NeXTstation high-end computer. San Francisco, 1990.”

“Bill Gates at Harvard, 1973/1974.”

“Steve Jobs High School Year photo, 1972.”

“Steve Jobs and the Apple Macintosh Team (1984).”

“Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs in 1976.”

“Steve Jobs and Bill Gates (1991).”

“Steve Jobs giving IBM the finger in 1983!”

“Shaquille O‘Neil and Bill Gates, 1995.”

“Shaquille O’Neal carrying Bill Gates – 1990’s.”

“Steve Jobs with a bottle of Anchor Steam (1984).”

“Bill Gates (1980).”

“Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak in Jobs’ parent’s home in 1976, with their newly created Apple I.”

“Bill Gates showing the capacity of a single CD, 1980s.”

“Steve Jobs, 1980s.”

“Steve Jobs and Bill Gates at Jobs’ Palo Alto home, 1991.”

“At home with Steve Jobs. 1981.”

Bill Gates and Paul Allen, date unknown

“Steve Jobs wearing Groucho Marx glasses while sitting next to a replica of the Rosetta Stone (1989).”

“Steve Jobs having recently returned from his pilgrimage in India (1974).”

“Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, 1982.”

“Steve Jobs with an apple (1970s).”

“Steve Jobs, Andy Warhol, Keith Haring, Kenny Scharf, and Sean Lennon playing with a Macintosh at Sean’s 9th Birthday, 1984.”

“The Microsoft staff, 1978.”

“15yo Bill Gates and 17yo Paul Allen (co-founder of Microsoft) using teletype machines at Lakeside School, 1970.”

“Microsoft’s Bill Gates and Paul Allen, 1979.”

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