23 Strange Finds On Google Earth

Enjoy these 23 fascinating finds that reveal the unexpected wonders of Google Earth!

Crashed B2 stealth bomber at Whiteman Air Force Base.

Google Earth van kills Bambi.

Somewhere in Alaska.

“My dog died a few years ago but when I look at google maps she’s still there chasing the street car.”

Bridge too low.

A splash of color in the middle of the desert. It’s labeled as TexasGulf Potash Pond.

Mock-up for a 2009 episode of the the NBC series Trauma.

Cloud got you in Slovakia,

Found right next to a jail.

Just another night in St. Petersburg Russia.

“I think I found an explosive stockpile from WW2 in the middle of New Guinea.”

Shipwreck, Kamtchatka.

Drug deal.

Boy falling off a bench in Philly.

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