These 22 vending machines have taken creativity to a new level with their unusual offerings.
The new ammo vending machine in Texas.
A salmon vending machine.
Holy communion wafers from a vending machine.
Cigarette vending machine in Charlotte, NC.
“The world’s worst smelling vending machine.”
“Vending machine in Austria… that sells BOTTLED AIR.”
“Vending machine in Japan. Yes, those are real fish in there.”
This “healthy” vending machine actually has regular stuff.
“Found this in my local dive bar vending machine.”
“You ever seen a bible in a vending machine?”
“My friend just won this out of a vending machine in Japan.”
“The mall we went to has a hair weave vending machine.”
“There’s a hair extension vending machine at my local mall.”
“Sold in a vending machine at a bowling alley for $3. Copyright 1936.”
Spam in Hawaii.
An Art dispensing vending machine.
A German sausage vending machine.
Picture of a wine bottle vending machine outside of a winery in Germany.