20 Disturbing Facts You Shouldn’t Ask About

Get ready for 20 creepy nuggets of knowledge that will send shivers down your spine.

 “A non zero number of farmers go missing yearly from pigs. They will eat just about anything.”

“That there is literally NOWHERE in your house that you can store your toothbrush without it getting f—l matter on it – thanks Mythbusters.”

“The inside of a sea turtle’s mouth/throat looks like something straight out of a horror movie monster. Absolutely covered in spines.”

“…The space shuttle challenger explosion. Some astronauts survived the explosion till they hit the ocean. Very sad to learn that.”

“There are over 200 dead bodies located on top of Mount Everest that serves as waypoints for climbers because it’s too risky to retrieve them.”

Years after Argentinian First Lady Eva Perón’s death, her late husband, former Argentinian President Juan Perón and his third wife kept her corpse on display near their dinner table.

“Dolphins are known to be quite intelligent, but they can also be cruel. In some cases, they’ve been documented killing baby dolphins of other pods, seemingly for fun.”

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