Venture into the unknown with 16 puzzling objects whose secrets are awaiting discovery. Their obscure origins and elusive purposes promise a journey filled with curiosity and enlightenment.
“I found this in our new house on the top landing banister rail. Seems like it’s meant to hold something but not sure what it is?”
It looks like a hair dryer holder. But it’s unclear why the previous owners chose such a strange place for it.
“What is this attachment on the shower wall in our apartment? It looks too wide to hold soap.”
Answer: It’s a soap dish/sponge holder.
“I found this at an old decommissioned salmon canning facility.”
Answer: It cleans the chimney.
“My mother’s friend found this with her mother’s possessions.”
Answer: This is used for clipping gloves to your handbag.
“I found this flat spoon-sized racket with a king handle.”
Vintage brass tennis racquet letter
“What is this clip tool attached to a wristband?”
Answer: It’s for someone playing in instrument in a marching band to hold their sheet music.
“My boyfriend found this in his room and now demands explanations. I don’t know what it is and where it came from.”
Answer: “I can tell you what that thing is… A RED FLAG! It’s a woman’s hygienic article wrapping, and it’s you who should be asking what it is doing in his room.”
“I found this thing in my basement. I have no idea what it is.”
Answer: Looks like the base of a yarn winder. Toyota was in the fabric loom business originally.
“My grandma is getting rid of a bunch of old silverware. I wonder what this is?”
Answer: It’s a sugar scuttle.
“I found this under my bed, it must’ve belonged to the last au pair. What is this thing?”
Answer: It’s an orchestral conductor’s baton.
“What is this?”
Answer: “Today is my birthday and I turned 55. But nothing made me feel older than seeing this post and knowing immediately what these were. Flash bulbs. Oh my God, I’m so old.”
“My ex left me this gift of my dog, what is this hole on the top?”
Answer: “It’s a personalized dog planter for a tiny plant. You can send in a pic of your dog, and they’ll create one that looks similar. They are also super pricy.”
“I found this in a random box of kitchen supplies.”
Answer: It’s to slice bread.
“I found this hanging in the basement of our new house.”
Answer: It’s a horse brass strap, they hang off horse tack for decoration.
Vintage furniture with an unclear purpose
Answer: It’s a rack for newspapers and magazines.
“I inherited this 10 years ago and I just found out it opens. Why?”
Answer: This is a perfume bottle.