Get ready to laugh and think at the same time with these 15 deep and weird shower thoughts that take your mind on a rollercoaster ride of hilarity and wonder.
“It’s weird that the word “short” is longer than the word “long.””
“Your stomach thinks all potatoes are mashed.”
“If you try to fail and succeed, which have you done?”
“A group of squid should be called a “squad.””
“Why do we say “sleeping like a baby” when babies wake up every two hours crying?”
“A jellyfish is 95% water, so they’re basically just water with feelings.”
” The word bed looks like a bed. .”
” If you punch yourself and it hurts, are you weak or strong? “
“A “lazy day” feels productive if you make an effort to enjoy it.”
“When you break a pencil, does it lose its point in life?”
“The word “queue” is just the letter Q followed by four silent letters.”
“If an orange is orange, why isn’t a lime called a green?”
“It’s called a “building” even though it’s already built.”
“If a book about failures doesn’t sell, is it a success?”
“No matter how much you push the envelope, it’ll still be stationery.”