15 Iconic Photos of Cryptids That Captured the World’s Imagination

Explore the 15 most famous cryptid photos ever taken, each a fascinating peek into a world of creatures shrouded in mystery and lore. T

The Fresno Nightcrawler is an American cryptid that seems to be like a long pair of legs and not much else. It has been described as looking like a haunted pair of pants. There are several videos online from people who claim to have seen them.

Alleged photo of El Chupacabra from the Amarillo Zoo.

A supposed sighting of the New Jersey Devil.

While skinwalkers are not technically cryptids, this photo from the dashcam of a trucker went viral on Facebook, and allegedly showed a skinwalker.

The Loveland Frogmen are native to Clermont County Ohio, and are bipedal giant frogs. They reportedly have the ability to use sticks as tools, and emit sparks. There have been four official sightings.

“Cadborosaurus Willsi” carcass from October, 1937.

Alleged photos of the “Pope Lick Monster,” also known as the “Goat Man.” However, it is unclear where he it in these photos.

This footage is the most famous Sasquatch sighting, and comes from a 1967 video filmed by Roger Patterson.

This iconic photo is the best we have of the Loch Ness Monster.

Alleged photo of the Virginia mothman.

And another.

Bigfoot in Colorado.

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