15 Astonishing Facts You Won’t Believe

Impress your friends with 15 little-known facts that are sure to spark great conversations.

“Illegal coal mining activities in Mongolia, and the intense use of coal burned on simple stoves has turned a region of Mongolia once famed for its blue skies into one of the world’s most polluted.”

“In 1987, Corona sales plummeted when a rumour spread that their workers were peeing in their beer. The company traced its origins back to Heineken, whom Corona sued for $3 million in damages, but their reputation still suffered and their product was referred to as “Mexican piss water” for years.”

“Ice cream testers use gold spoons to be able to taste the product 100% without a slight percentage of ‘after-taste’ from typical spoons.”

“Historians have that found European queens have been associated with a 27% increase in wars compared to European kings. “

“Despite John Carter being considered a monumental flop for Disney, it actually broke box office records in Russia.”

“The English subtitles for Pan’s Labyrinth were translated and written by Guillermo del Toro himself. He no longer trusts translators after having encountered problems with his previous subtitled movies.”

““Kuru” is an incurable degenerative neurological disorder endemic to tribal regions of Papua New Guinea. Cannibals catch this disease if they ate the brains of other human beings. It would form holes in their brains and cause them to laugh uncontrollably.”

“One of the most sought-after jobs in Venice is that of the gondolier. There are only 425 licenses issued, and applicants must be Venetian by birth. Apprenticeships involve over 400 hours of training, and when a gondolier dies the license passes to the beneficiary, who then decides the replacement. “

“Sometime around 2000, the child labor laws changed in the England in order to film the movie “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone””

“Allen Klein, Rolling Stones manager and owner of the song “Dead Flowers,” which plays at the end of “The Big Lebowski,” initially wanted $150,000 for it. He was then convinced to let them use it for free when he saw the scene in which The Dude says, “I hate the f*ckin’ Eagles, man!” “

“Avocados, Pumpkins, watermelons, and bananas are all berries while strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries are not. “

“The 1998 movie Armageddon was shot and edited in only 16 weeks. A massive undertaking causing tremendous stress on everyone, especially the visual effects supervisor who had a nervous breakdown from how overwhelmed he was. “

“There are pigs in the Bahamas that live freely on the beaches, and after basking in the sun for hours, they swim in the surf. The pigs are exceptionally friendly, running from under the shade of the almond trees to greet visitors that bring them treats.”

“Mark Twain traveled extensively and once said “Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth…” “

“In 1998, one satellite failed and it caused about 80% of the world’s pagers to stop working. “

Source: www.reddit.com

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