14 Random Facts That Will Blow Your Mind

These 14 random pieces of knowledge will leave you questioning what you thought you knew, offering surprising and fascinating facts that are sure to make you think.

“WHen she was a teenager, Alyson Hannigon used to babysit for Bob Saget, who was the narrator for ‘How I Met Your Mother.’”

“Sgt. Kevin Briggs has stopped more than 200 people from jumping off of the Golden Gate Bridge.”

“Superb Fairywrens teach their eggs a password that the young sing when they hatch. When they do sing that password, they get food.”

“In 1935 when Roosevelt increased the top tax rate to 79% for those making over 5 million bucks, it only applied to one person in the USA: John D Rockefeller.”

“The man who invented the game Operation never received any royalties for it. He was unable to afford his own surgery until his friends and fans raised money for him online.”

“Olivia Wilde has won a handful of eating competitions. In Australia, she once ate 33 pancakes with butter and syrup in 22 minutes.”

“Jodie Foster was born 3 years after her parents divorced. She was conceived while her mom was visiting her dad for child support.”

“2 teenagers lured multiple pedophiles online by posing as a 15 year old girl, only to show up to the meeting spot as Batman and the Flash to record them.”

“Grunting in tennis is punishable by losing a point. This is because some grunts can be so loud that it can affect how the opponent returns the ball.”

“In 2016, a Spanish train conductor requested the company he worked for to send someone to relieve him at the end of his shift. When the company failed to do so, the conductor had the train stop in a village and simply went home, leaving 109 passengers stranded.”

“During the filming of Snow White and the Huntsman, Kristen Stewart accidentally punched Chris Hemsworth in the face giving him a black eye. That take is used in the film!”

“Michael Jackson composed songs despite not playing any instruments. He would build the tracks with his own voice. It was so pitch perfect that studio musicians could match chords to his singing.”

“Some people can voluntarily control the tensor tympani, a muscle inside of the ear. Contracting these muscles produces a vibration sound.”

“There is a $100 coin that is legal US Tender. They weigh 1 ounce and are 99.95% platinum. This is the highest face value to ever appear on a US coin.”


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