This is Dave DeVries, he was my professor of comic illustration in college! He even brought some of these to class and gave a demo how he made them. He’s an amazing artist!
Alejandro Pappolla, no sé a qué viene tu comentario. Yo soy argentino y si tengo sentimientos. La vergüenza ajena es un sentimiento por ejemplo, y es lo que yo siento por vos, que sos bastante pelotudo.
Awesome! The artist did a great job making the pictures look professional while keeping them very close to the original drawings.
Those are terrifying! Will never look at children drawings the same.
My three-year-old kept making “eek” sounds as we scrolled through. A little bit scary!
It’s like Tim Burton ate the brown acid.
A buck says Superman doesn’t have a girlfriend.
Los argentinos no tienen sentimientos
This is Dave DeVries, he was my professor of comic illustration in college! He even brought some of these to class and gave a demo how he made them. He’s an amazing artist!
or they just suck at drawing
Alejandro Pappolla, no sé a qué viene tu comentario. Yo soy argentino y si tengo sentimientos. La vergüenza ajena es un sentimiento por ejemplo, y es lo que yo siento por vos, que sos bastante pelotudo.
It’s funny, It’s like Tim Burton ate the brown acid.
Al Jaffee did this for Mad Magazine 40 years ago — except that he actually built the things, like a plane. One of their funniest articles evah.
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How the heck does that artist make those drawings come to life???????????